A Village Besieged

Chidham, Hambrook and Nutbourne East are currently threatened with unprecedented levels of large-scale development. As a Parish Council we have been trying, through working with residents, to plan how the village can be developed in a planned and carefully controlled way. Seemingly this might no longer be possible. We have been trying to reduce the overall number of new homes that Chichester District Council informed us that we must accept, but now matters appear to be out of control. We feel that the problem lies with the District Council and their failure to produce a Local Plan to which our own Neighbourhood Plan must adhere. Without the Local Plan we cannot complete our Neighbourhood Plan. In the meantime, developers are taking advantage of the situation, with planning applications made or about to be made for over 800 houses in a parish that only as 1,003 houses. To alert you to this situation, the parish council is organising two public Zoom meetings, Thursday 29 October and Tuesday 24 November (see separate information). We are also contacting all residents, with updates on the village crisis by way of emails. If we do not have your email address (possibly given to us when you returned your recent residents’ questionnaire) and you wish to receive these updates, please provide our parish clerk,  Bambi Jones (chidhamandhambrookpc@gmail.com) with your contact details.
Philip MacDougall, Chair – Chidham & Hambrook Parish Council

Housing Campaign Zoom Meetings – Thur 29th Oct, Tue 24th Nov.

Your parish council is organising a Zoom meeting (all welcome) to discuss and update you on the large number of housing developments that are coming our way. We are concerned that the character of our village will be permanently destroyed.
The parish council is leading a campaign to stop this over-development. Hear what we are doing and what you can do to help. We also want to hear your views.
To join either of these  meeting send an email to our parish clerk: Bambi Jones chidhamandhambrookpc@gmail.com
You will be sent a link to the meeting. Please add your residential address. All information given will be held confidentially.
Philip MacDougall, Chair – Chidham & Hambrook Parish Council


Chidham, Hambrook and Nutbourne East held it’s AGM by ‘ZOOM’ on 5th October 2020.  David Rodgers was re-elected chair and Vivien Gowlett became treasurer and acting membership secretary.  The association needs a secretary and anyone interested is asked to contact David Rodgers on 01243 574074 or by email at davidrodgers221@gmail.com.  At the AGM it was agreed that the association would continune to operate by ‘ZOOM’ having regard for the Covid-19 pandemic.  David Rodgers agreed to hold regular ‘ZOOM’ meetings for all members.  Watch this space!  Contact Vivien Gowlett at vivien519@btinternet.com if you would like to join. 

Developers race to build houses in Chidham & Hambrook

The revised Local Development Plan for Chichester which might have reduced the new housing numbers allocation for the parish, has been delayed. Developers are not waiting for the new plan. The following Planning Applications have been launched recently

118 Homes North of Scant Rd. West, Hambrook ref 20/01826/FUL
35 Homes Land off Broad Rd, Hambrook (Flat Farm), ref 20/00412/OUT
19 Homes Land north of Main Rd Chidham (Chas Wood Nursery) 20/01854/OUT
39 Homes Land West of Broad Rd, Hambrook (North of Aviary Close) 20/01687/OUT

The following requests for EIA screening opinions have been made. We expect these to be followed by associated planning applications within days.

70 homes North of Main Rd, ?Chidham? (west of Drift Lane) ref 20/02360/EIA
150 homes North of Main Rd, Nutbourne (East of Broad Rd) ref 20/02358/EIA
100 homes North of Main Rd, Nutbourne (Pottery Field) ref 20/02357/EIA

Over 530 houses …. For more details click the links.
You can comment on the individual planning applications by emailing dcplanning@chichester.gov.uk

Whether or not you think this amount of development is good for the parish, let your elected representatives know what you think. email the Parish Council or your Harbour Villages District Councillors.
