… others have been out and about – and caught on video
… others have been out and about – and caught on video
How about a trip to Buckingham Palace ?
or Windsor Castle ?
too far? How about something less formal – Arundel wetlands
You won’t be the only one out and about ….
If a member of the public wishes to attend the meeting, please contact the Clerk to be sent a link to join via Zoom or submit any questions via email by 6:00pm the day before the meeting. see agenda
Kit7 (From the Church wardens – Keeping in touch)
The Pewslip – The weekly readings and Youtube hymns
Anagrams of British Prime Ministers and US Presidents (this weeks puzzle)
Plants and flowers anagrams – the answers to last week’s puzzle
The music
733 – The Strife is o’er, the battle done
66 – Be thou my vision, O Lord of my heart
327 – I cannot tell how he whom angels worship
615 – Peace, perfect peace, is the gift of Christ our Lord
839 – Ye choirs of new Jerusalem
A contribution from the Occasional Choir
Deidre wanted to do her bit
If you are not on the Church email circulation list, and would like to be, email Carol Vigor and she will be happy to put you on.
a message from Sussex Police
In 1945, after six long years, people came together to celebrate the end of fighting in Europe.
Seventy-five years on we can’t hold street parties with family or friends to remember those who made the ultimate sacrifice, those who returned home, and all who fought on the Home Front. But we can give thanks to all those who played their part in bringing about peace, by staying at home to protect the NHS and save lives.
We have technology and capabilities to keep in touch with each other that people would only have dreamed of in 1945. Celebrate at home or stay local and do not travel to visit family and friends or mix households.
Mark this poignant VE Day 75 at home and be innovative by holding an online party; make some home-made bunting; break out your finest bone china for tea; and listen to a little Glenn Miller to get in the mood.
It would be the greatest tribute to the Second World War generation and the veterans alive today for us to honour this moment by keeping them and those you care about safe by staying at home.
From WSCC – Read here
Coronavirus: Latest advice and service updates from Chichester District Council
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hOXtKOziD6M Abba Parody
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ojrtwXqqc6g My Corona
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v7oqAAXZaks Lockdown Rhapsody
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nmUXntGlqFI BeeGees parody
and for those with a classical bent ….
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BKezUd_xw20 Salut Salon
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uT3SBzmDxGk&feature=emb_rel_end Thunderstruck
Fresh plea to West Sussex motorists as new trend is revealed in latest traffic volume figures
Covid 19 – A plea to the public to continue to stay at home: An open letter to the people of Sussex from public service workers
West Sussex County Council Post-16 Transport Policy Statement 2020-21: A consultation is now open and available online here and runs until 15 May 2020
A message from CDC Council Leader – 28 April 2020