Blue Badge parking permit holders are being urged to check their badges’ expiry dates and, if these are approaching or already expired, apply for a renewal as soon as possible. see more here
Blue Badge parking permit holders are being urged to check their badges’ expiry dates and, if these are approaching or already expired, apply for a renewal as soon as possible. see more here
Chichester District Council are launching a Group Buying scheme to help to make solar panels cheaper for businesses and homeowners. See more here
The main agenda item is to consider and develop a response to Planning Application CH/02/01826/FUL (for 118 new Homes north of Scant Rd West)
As part of the Government’s UK-wide drive to increase accessibility to testing, the Department of Health and Social Care is to begin work this week on a new drive-in COVID-19 testing centre at Tangmere airfield. The new testing centre is expected to open on Friday, 4 September.
See more here
The Planning White Paper, Planning for the Future, is now out for public consultation. This paper sets out the changes that the Government wants to make to the planning process. It is not clear what part Neighbourhood Plans will play in the future. Have your say about the proposed reforms Or you can email the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government.
The deadline to submit your response is 11.45pm on Thursday 29 October.
20/01854/OUT Outline permission for 19 dwellings with access, public open space, tennis court and other associated works (with some matters reserved except for access). Chas Wood Nurseries Main Road Bosham PO18 8PN
Full Meeting Agenda, incl draft minutes of previous meeting
Agenda ….. includes
118 homes ‘Land Adjoining A27 Scant Road West Hambrook’
37 affordable homes (entry-level exception site) outline application , Land Off Broad Road Hambrook PO18 8RF
Last chance for people to have their say on dog control rules in the Chichester District
Last Chance to fill in your parish questionnaire (hardcopy delivered to your door). For collection, phone Bambi Jones, Tel: 07986 395253
Planning Applications : 20/00412/OUT Land Off Broad Road, PO18 8RF
Outline Application for the construction of 37 no. affordable residential dwellings for first time buyers and those looking to rent their first home
Planning Applications : 20/01826/FUL Land north of Scant Rd West, PO18 8UA : Erection of 118 dwellings (including 35 affordable dwellings) accessed via Broad Road, and the provision of public open space, landscaping etc