Action Group Meeting Wednesday 13th March 7.30pm

Following the public meeting at St. Wilfrids Church Hall on 28th February it is clear that those present felt that an Action Group should be formed to campaign against the proposal by the District Council to build over 500 homes in the parish. The first meeting to set up the group will be on Wednesday 13th March at Chidham Village Hall at 7.30pm. Anyone wishing to join the action group is welcome to attend.

Public Meeting – Neighbourhood Plan Review, St Wilfrid’s Church Hall, Thursday Feb 28th, 7.30pm

The Chichester District Council is reviewing its/our Local Plan because the Government requires us to accommodate more houses. CDC want us to take 500 new homes. This will make a dramatic change to the parish. We have to make a plan in conjunction with, and accepted by, Chichester District Council. If we don’t, developers will have freedom to push through their plans regardless of residents concerns.
Do come to the meeting. We want to hear your views.

Local Plan Consultation – Deadline Thur Feb 7th

Parish Council Guide
If you want to have your say about the Local Plan Review which calls for 500 more houses in Chidham & Hambrook – do it now.  Follow the Link to the CDC Consultation   see also CDC Flier
Alternatively to make your submission you can email
Do include your name and address and mention Policy AL10 , the policy for Chidham & Hambrook
Read the Parish Council Submission