Public Consultation on Local Plan – ‘CDC Preferred Approach’

Chichester District Council has launched a Public Consultation about the Local Plan Review (2019 – 2034) A consequence of the changes to the Local Plan proposed by the Council,  Chidham & Hambrook will be expected to take additional housing, ‘a minimum of 500 homes’.  It is anticipated that the land for the additional houses will be identified in the revised Neighbourhood Plan that the Parish Council has agreed to undertake.  The plan also proposes 1250 homes in Southbourne parish, and 250 in Bosham (Highgove Farm). The Public Consultation started on December 13 and will be open for 8 weeks. Follow the Link to the CDC Consultation   see also CDC Flier

More Planning development activity: Chas Wood Nursery (10 homes refused) – ref 17/03626/OUT – Developer launches appeal ref: APP/L3815/W/18/3208546

The developer who wanted to build 10 houses at Chas Wood Nursery off the Main Rd, previously refused, has launched and appeal. The timing, just before Christmas, may limit interest from the General Public. For the details/documents related to the case see here.  If you want to send a comment or objection, email the planning inspector   quoting APP/L3815/W/18/3208546

Film Club at the Village Hall, Friday Dec 7th, 7.30pm for 8pm. ‘Miss Saigon’. Try a Vietnamese Meal at The Barleycorn beforehand

Another of our series of West End musicals filmed live in the Theatre.  Film Tickets £5 members / £6 non-members

Before the show enjoy a Vietnamese meal with Alex & Kellie at The Barleycorn (Booking essential)
2 Meals for the price of 1 if you buy your tickets at the restaurant. Arrive at the Restaurant 18:00 – 18:30hr, but don’t forget to book. Here is the menu

Christmas Flowers for St Mary’s

Christmas Flowers: If you wish to make a donation towards Christmas flowers in St. Mary’s Church in memory of a loved one, please contact Nina Bates 01243-576331.  Alternatively, put your donation in a sealed envelope, with the name of the person(s) to be remembered on the outside.  (Cheques should be made payable to PCC of Chidham and Gift Aided if possible).  The envelope should be given to Nina or put through the empty Vicarage letter box (which will be checked regularly).  The names of those to be remembered will be displayed in the Church over the Christmas period.

The Chidham & Hambrook 2019 Calendar has now arrived.

  A celebration of our beautiful village. Must have for you, and just the right present to give.  Price £7 – two copies for £12. (Same price as last year). We limit the print run. (but we don’t know how many copies you will want) When they are gone .. they are gone.  This year we have made a ‘Best of”calendar to celebrate ten years of village calendars.  Get your copies from David Rodgers tel 574074, or Stephen Johnson tel 572059 or email me