Parish Council Roads and Footways Survey

Are you happy with the pavements, verges and lay-bys in the parish?
Help your Parish Council get something done – do the survey! Here’s the form

All residents will have received a survey regarding roads and footways in the parish. Evidence that the community have concerns is essential in our discussions with West Sussex County Council to bid for funding for improvements. You can take your completed form to any of the four locations listed: Post Office, Broad Road, Barley Corn pub, St Wilfred’s Hospice shop and the Village Hall post box. For any further information , request a form if you didn’t receive one or to have it collected please contact Jane Towers  01243 576580

Church Summer fête, Vicarage Garden, Sat 7th July  2pm – 4pm

Items to sell are now being collected including the following: Books/jigsaws, small items of bric-a-brac (no electricals please), Ornaments & glass, Handbags/scarves/jewellery, toys, unwanted gifts & toiletries, toys, plant pots, raffle prizes.  We are also collecting bottles and jars and allied items for the bottle stall.  If you have items you are willing to donate please contact Carol Vigor 01243 537216 for collection.

West Sussex County Council Bus strategy: Public Consultation – Have your say!

The County Council is developing a new Bus Strategy. Most bus services in West Sussex are operated on a fully commercial basis by bus companies with no financial support from the County Council. However some bus routes would not be viable without local authority funding. Currently about 15% of bus services in West Sussex receive a subsidy to help them run. You can find out more about how we currently support local bus services and the proposals for the new Bus Strategy in the document: West Sussex Bus Strategy Consultation – overview and proposals

Give Us Your Views   Online Survey

The closing date is Wednesday 6 June 2018.

West Sussex Fire & Rescue Service –  draft Integrated Risk Management Plan for the period 2018-22, Public Consultation.

West Sussex Fire & Rescue Service (WSFRS) is seeking the views of the wider community on its draft Integrated Risk Management Plan.

The plan highlights a number of challenges we are facing. Have Your Say. You can submit your views by completing the questionnaire online. Online Survey

Consultation Closes 28 May 2018

Maybush Copse Spring Gathering – Saturday May 5th, 10am until noon

Work party – a Spring Clean for the Copse with the encouragement of cake and other refreshments for the workers. Various tasks – cutting back vegetation, raking grass cuttings, removal of teazles from the grassy areas. Fill in the rabbit-dug trip hazards! Bring appropriate tools if you can.
Don’t feel you have to stay for two hours. Come for an hour and then move on to St Wilfrid’s for the Plant Sale.
Have you heard the cuckoo yet?