Voluntary Action Arun and Chichester and Healthwatch West Sussex are working together to support the Voluntary Sector during the Coronavirus pandemic see details here
Voluntary Action Arun and Chichester and Healthwatch West Sussex are working together to support the Voluntary Sector during the Coronavirus pandemic see details here
Kit 9 (From the Church wardens – Keeping in touch)
The Pewslip – The weekly readings and Youtube hymns
The Eyes have it. … (this weeks puzzle)
Shop ’til you drop – the answers to last week’s puzzle ..
An Ascension Day letter from Canon David Nason
(Ascension day is on Thursday May 21st)
The Music
623 – Praise my soul the King of heaven https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sx1eMwlDFb8
91 – Brother, sister let me serve you https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p03zcgzs
96 – Christ is made our sure foundation https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cR9NHXnbxlU
430 – Let there be love shared among us https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2_yuRnemgaU
822 – When morning gilds the sky https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m_ZjM2WMSJQ
A contribution from the Occasional Choir https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_8MKEpXqGko
Deidre wanted to do her bit https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S3-rkkcVxp0
If you are not on the Church email circulation list, and would like to be, email Carol Vigor and she will be happy to put you on.
The Novium Museum building is closed, but you can visit for a virtual tour of the museum, with oral history videos and learning activities – visit www.thenovium.org/virtualmuseum
Film Night at the Village Hall will return, but in the meantime …
Name the films of which these are the last lines
You can check your answers here. (The prize is to feel really smug. Unfortunately there is no alternative prize for those who feel really smug already.)
Peregrines nest at the Cathedral each year . https://www.chichesterperegrines.co.uk/ Keep an eye on them here. Link to the webcam
31st March – One egg
A total of four eggs.
10 May – Four hatched!
For week 17-19. Comments should be addressed to the Parish Clerk before Thursday 14 May.
Household Waste Recycling Sites across West Sussex will reopen from Monday 11th May. Access will be restricted – see more details here
Kit8 (From the Church wardens – Keeping in touch)
The Pewslip – The weekly readings and Youtube hymns
Shop ’til you drop (this weeks puzzle)
Anagrams of British Prime Ministers and US Presidents – the answers to last week’s puzzle
The music (This service would have been at St Wilfrid’s)
275 – Jesus put this song into my heart
5 – Abba, Father, let me be yours and yours alone
464 – Take my life, and let it be consecrated Lord to thee
266 – Jesus calls us o’er the tumult of our life’s wild restless sea
565 – Ye servants of God, your master proclaim
A contribution from the Occasional Choir
Deidre wanted to do her bit
If you are not on the Church email circulation list, and would like to be, email Carol Vigor and she will be happy to put you on.