POSTPONED – Stargazing at Maybush Copse, Tuesday October 16th, – POSTPONED

This event is POSTPONED because of forecast cloud cover.
A chance to participate in some stargazing with Richard Austin, AONB Manager, and the South Downs Astronomical Society. If it’s a clear evening, we’ll be able to see the Moon around the first quarter and lunar craters. Mars and Saturn buy valacyclovir online will be visible. Objects of interest include: M57 Ring Nebula, the Andromeda Galaxy, M13 Globular Cluster, the Double Cluster in Perseus, and Albireo (double star). Organised by the Chichester Harbour Conservancy, this event is free, no booking is required, but it is weather dependent.

Maybush Copse Apple Day, Saturday September 22nd, 10am

apple day event in chidham near chichesterCome and make fresh apple juice in the fresh air. Bring a container so that you can take some juice home. A pork bap Lunch for the workers!  Accompanied children are very welcome. It is a free event, but contributions would be welcome.

But we need your donations of apples!
If you have surplus apples/windfalls you are happy for us to have, please email stephen johnson. We will come and pick/collect on Thur/Friday Sept 20/21.

Maybush Copse Bat Walk , Saturday September 1st, 8pm

bat walk at maybush copse in chidhamFind out how amazing bats are. The event if free, but numbers are strictly limited. Please book by email to stephen johnson No dogs. Children must be accompanied by a responsible adult. Please bring a torch. Meet at the Cot Lane onlinepharmacytabs entrance to Maybush Copse for 8pm start. We will use bat detectors to listen for the ultrasonic echolocation calls.
The event is weather dependent – Bats don’t like wind or rain.

Maybush Copse Spring Gathering – Saturday May 5th, 10am until noon

Work party – a Spring Clean for the Copse with the encouragement of cake and other refreshments for the workers. Various tasks – cutting back vegetation, raking grass cuttings, removal of teazles from the grassy areas. Fill in the rabbit-dug trip hazards! Bring appropriate tools if you can.
Don’t feel you have to stay for two hours. Come for an hour and then move on to St Wilfrid’s for the Plant Sale.
Have you heard the cuckoo yet?