West Sussex School Recruitment Fair

Interested in working in a school?  Are you, or is someone you know, interested in training to teach? Want to know more about apprenticeships or perhaps you would like to be a school governor or teaching assistant? Go along to Fontwell Park Racecourse on Saturday 1st February to meet face to face with West Sussex schools, universities and training providers who can answer all of your questions and give you advice and guidance.

See poster Drop in anytime between 10am and 2pm.  There are many types of jobs in schools – come along and find out more!

Play Area – temporary closure

The children’s play area on Broad Road, Hambrook will be closed for approximately two weeks as new picnic benches and seating benches will be installed which will improve the area considerably.
Early next year the Parish Council has a project to improve some of the play equipment and the rubber matting surfaces as well as to remove some of the tired old signs and cut back the foliage.

Residents reminded of changes to bin collections this Christmas

Collection days will return to normal from Monday 13 January 2020. Residents can download and print out their own personalised waste, recycling and garden recycling collection dates by visiting www.chichester.gov.uk/wastecollectioncalendar

The Garden Recycling Service will stop over Christmas and New Year from Friday 20 December and will start again on Monday 6 January.
See also Christmas recycling www.chichester.gov.uk/christmasrecycling
Christmas Tree recycling: see stwh.co.uk/support-us/events/christmastrees

Road Gritting this winter.

The Chichester Observer reports that planned economies by WSCC mean that some local roads will no longer be gritted. These include: Salthill Road from Fishbourne up to Hunters Race, Delling Lane and Bosham Lane in Bosham, Broad Road and Cheesemans Lane through Hambrook, Stein Road in Southbourne, and Old Farm Lane and Whitechimney Row in Westbourne. More details here