(In line with guidance from the Church of England)
(In line with guidance from the Church of England)
As a result of ongoing concerns regarding the Coronavirus we have carried out a risk assessment and have decided to close the Broad Road children’s play area until further notice.
The unprecedented Coronavirus/Covid-19 outbreak has meant changes have had to be made to Parish Council and other local activities and we hope that the following information will prove helpful.
As the situation both locally and at a national level is changing constantly, we will aim to provide regular updates, so check back often. If you have anything relevant to add or that we can let people know about, please email chidhamandhambrookpc@gmail.com.
We will be working from home as usual. To contact the Parish Council call the Clerk, Bambi Jones on 07986 395253 or email chidhamandhambrookpc@gmail.com.
Council Meetings: All Council meetings are cancelled until further notice including meetings of the Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group. The Annual Parish Council meeting, was scheduled for 7pm on Thursday 7 May 2020. Information on how it will be held will published closer to the time based on the latest government advice. The Annual Parish Meeting scheduled for 28 May 2020 is also cancelled.
A Chidham and Hambrook Covid-19 community support group has been formed to provide support to those elderly and vulnerable in the community who need it, and there has been a good response to a request for volunteers to help. For information please contact Councillor Jane Towers on jtowers.chpc@gmail.com.
Please like and follow the Parish Council’s new Facebook page so that you may be updated with the latest information.
All Household Waste Recycling Sites across West Sussex are now closed until further notice due to the current Covid-19 situation. The Westhampnett site is closed.
At the present time, household recycling and waste collections continue as normal.
Covid-19 Update: The Government has issued advice about disposing of rubbish should you have a confirmed or suspected case of Covid-19 in your household. Used tissues and disposable cleaning cloths should be put into a rubbish bag. The bag should then be put into a second bag and tied securely. You should then wait 72 hours before putting it in your outside bin. You are able to dispose of other household waste as normal.
Local resident Gareth Haskett (GCS Computers) is able to offer remote computer support for customers for any problems that may occur whilst this coronavirus situation is happening, especially for people self-isolating and on their own, who are contacting family etc via their PC. Hardware issues are slightly less easy but we can offer doorstep collection, we are using disposable gloves for all of our work, to protect our staff and our customers. Contact Gareth on 01243 374126 or carol@gcscomputers.co.uk
Chidham and Hambrook Parish Council have set up a Facebook page here where you will be able to find updated and local information on the Coronavirus crisis
KIT1 – (Keeping In Touch) A message from the church wardens
Pewslip for Sunday March 22 (The fourth Sunday of Lent)
Mystery objects 1,
Mystery objects 2.
Tips for families on how to cope, from WSCC
(was planned for April 18th at the Village Hall)