Inspired by Chichester Harbour: The Oxmarket , Chichester, Tues 8th Oct to Sun 20th Oct 2019

Inspired by Chichester Harbour Prim Hoult – a painter and Alison Garrett –a textile artist are celebrating this unique, wonderful and precious landscape in an exhibition of their work. Oxmarket Centre of Arts, St Andrews Court, East Street, Chichester PO19 1YH
Tues 8th Oct – Sun 20th Oct 2019 , Tues – Sun 10am – 4:30pm, Closed on Monday 14th October,
Further information:

CHANE RA Family Fun Trail

Congratulations and many thanks for a splendid event on Saturday. We followed the shorter trail through Maybush Copse – the clues/questions were brilliant, as was the weather.  All rounded off at the Barleycorn (start and finish point) with a hot chocolate and crisps! Cliff and Delph and granddaughter Jessica

Environment Group – and related matters

Did you miss the Environment Group Meeting last week, but would still like to be part of it? If so, contact Jane Towers or tel 576580

Saturday 12 October Moth Identification Event. Discover which moths live in the Chidham area 10am – Noon, in the Village Hall. To find out more, contact Sarah Hughes on 07765 175494 or email

Saturday 5th October, Maybush Copse Working Party – 10am – 12 noon. TLC for Maybush Copse. Our monthly get together. Don’t let the vegetation win ….. Wear appropriate clothing, gloves, and stout footwear. All welcome.

Environment Links – The Big Climate Fightback

WSCC Consultation on electric vehicle charging

Lack of public charging points is a significant factor in discouraging residents making the switch to electric vehicles. We’ve now produced a draft Electric Vehicle strategy and are consulting to seek additional views before it’s formally adopted. The consultation is open from Tuesday 27 August – Tuesday 1 October and anyone can take part by visiting the Have Your Say consultation hub. For further information on the consultation, please email Ruth O’Brien at