Peregrine chick hatches – webcam

Our on-the-ball (on-the-egg?) Cathedral Peregrine Correspondent reports that the first Peregrine chick has hatched in the Chichester Cathedral nest. Mother and chick are doing fine. The proud mum will no doubt be showing off her chick on the webcam, see here, when the wind dies down. Mum and Dad have not decided on a name yet as far as we know (but Archie is probably in the running, especially if its a boy chick). Wow! I’ve just seen it – white and fluffy …
What are they for? Four? yes, Four!

Goslings hatch at the Catchpond this morning

The Canada Geese nesting on the Catchpond successfully hatched 4 goslings this morning. Also nesting on the same small island were a pair of Coots who hatched 2 young recently and remarkably, within a few metres of the Canada Geese, a pair of Swans are also nesting!

Stop Press! Two more had hatched by this morning (7th May) making a total of 6 very healthy looking goslings!