Public Meeting – Neighbourhood Plan Review, St Wilfrid’s Church Hall, Thursday Feb 28th, 7.30pm

The Chichester District Council is reviewing its/our Local Plan because the Government requires us to accommodate more houses. CDC want us to take 500 new homes. This will make a dramatic change to the parish. We have to make a plan in conjunction with, and accepted by, Chichester District Council. If we don’t, developers will have freedom to push through their plans regardless of residents concerns.
Do come to the meeting. We want to hear your views.

Local Plan Consultation, Thursday 10th January, Village Hall, 3pm – 8pm

Organised by CDC. The CDC preferred option for reviewing the Local Plan, which will involve building 500+ homes in the village in addition to recent developments already agreed. Come and see what is involved and quiz Council officials about the plan.  It is anticipated that the land for the additional houses will be identified in the revised Neighbourhood Plan that the Parish Council has agreed to undertake.  The plan also proposes 1250 homes in Southbourne parish, and 250 in Bosham (Highgove Farm). The Public Consultation started on December 13 and will be open for 8 weeks. Follow the Link to the CDC Consultation   see also CDC Flier