Remembrance event at Bosham, Sunday Nov 11th, Quay Meadow Bosham 5.30pm

The event starts at 5.30pm with the Chi Jazz band playing in the marquee. At 6.15pm they will be followed by our own choir, the Harbour Voices, who will entertain for half an hour.  The WI will be running a hot drinks counter offering tea, coffee and mulled wine for a small charge. The Sailing club will run a BBQ selling hot dogs and burgers and a Fish and Chip van will be situated on the Quay. At 6.45 pm when a piper order viagra 100 mg will play traditional airs leading up to the Last Post at 7pm, when a Celebratory Beacon will be lit by Commodore Tony Morrow, RN, assisted by Brigadier Bill Woodburn and Group Captain Douglas McGregor.  More details

Review of the Neighbourhood Plan

The District Council Local Plan is currently undergoing a review. As a consequence the Chidham & Hambrook Parish Council have agreed to review our Neighbourhood Plan. A working group will carry out this work. To form the group, we need a mix of Parish Councillors and members of the local community with people from all parts of the Chidham & Hambrook. If you would like to volunteer to be on the group please email the Parish Clerk    or Tel 07986395253  or Andy Collins Tel No. 572976. For more details see here

For info: Police will no longer record Lost Property

From October 1st, along with police forces nationally, Sussex Police will no longer record reports of lost property. Chief Inspector Roy Hodder, Communications Department said: “Although lost property will no longer be recorded by police, we are accepting items of found property.” Our website has comprehensive information on where lost property reports can now be made. You can find out more here on our lost property page.”

Caution: There have been recent reports of thefts from vehicles parked in Chidham

It can take as little as 10 seconds for a thief to steal something from your car. The best way to protect your belongings is to lock your car whenever you leave it. Police advise:

  • Removing everything from the car; don’t even leave a jacket where it can be seen
  • Closing the sunroof along with the windows when you leave
  • Not storing things in the boot; take them with you
  • Storing car ownership information in your home, not your car
  • Having a routine to ensure you always take the keys out of the ignition
  • Taking removable stereos and sat nav equipment with you
  • In addition, using secure (theft resistant) number plates can make your plates less attractive to thieves

Starting School – September 2019

The application process for children due to start school in September 2019 will begin on Monday 1 October 2018.

      • Apply online at
      • Applications can be made between 1 October 2018 and 15 January 2019
      • Special rules apply for house movers until 15 February 2019
      • The Information for Parents booklet is available on our website now
      • Further information is available by ringing 03330 142 903

See poster, see leaflet.  A message from West Sussex County Council.