Unique Chidham under threat.

No decision has yet been made by Chichester District Council on the planning application which could result in 16 or so houses being built in Chidham on the edge of the harbour opposite Bosham. The application 18/00900/ELD depends on whether a decision dating from 1937 is valid and can override current planning law. CPPG (Chidham Peninsula Protection Group) is campaigning to get the application refused, which if permitted would be a devastating blow to the landscape and unique environment of Chidham and the Chichester Harbour AONB, and set a dangerous precedent for significant future development in similar locations.
If you would like to support the campaign, email CPPG at: cppgteam2018@hotmail.com Alternatively visit, comment and follow CPPG at www.facebook.com/CPPGuk