Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri – Friday June 15th

Film Society, at the Village Hall. ‘Three Billboards’ has won two Oscars (Best Actress / Best Supporting Actor) and four BAFTA’s, including Best Picture. It received enormous critical praise and has been one of 2017’s most successful films world-wide. If you haven’t seen it, then you really ought. If you have, see it again and you may start to re-think all your previous responses to the film. It’s that kind of film. It will enter your mind and won’t easily let you go. It will also make you laugh out loud as you gasp. Don’t miss it.   see trailer
7.30pm for 8, Village Hall

Parish Council Roads and Footways survey

Are you happy with the pavements, verges and lay-bys in the parish? Hurry up! Have you returned your form? Do it now! Your return will still be included. Help your Parish Council get something done – do the survey! Here’s the form

Return your completed form to the:- The Post Office, Broad Road; Barleycorn pub; St Wilfred’s Hospice shop; or the Village Hall post box

All residents will have received a survey regarding roads and footways in the parish. Evidence that the community have concerns is essential in our discussions with West Sussex County Council to bid for funding for improvements. You can take your completed form to any of the four locations listed: Post Office, Broad Road, Barleycorn pub, St Wilfred’s Hospice shop and the Village Hall post box. For any further information , request a form if you didn’t receive one or to have it collected please contact Jane Towers  01243 576580

Cancelled – CHANE Family BBQ and Dance, Village Hall, Saturday June 23 – Cancelled

Unfortunately the CHANE Committee feels obliged to cancel the two events at the Village Hall planned for Saturday, 23rd June. Limited ticket sales are such that it becomes uneconomic to proceed with either the BBQ or the Dance.

FAMILY BBQ  4pm in the Village Hall, Food and drink will be on sale, Bouncy castle for the children.TICKETS, 50 pence per adult, buy clomid 100 mg online (18+) in advance please;
DANCING to music by the NUTHINYETBAND  at 7.30pm. TICKETS, £5  in advance please;
Tickets available from Richard – 572699 or Colin – 574021 (must be purchased in advance)  See Poster, and event notes.

Profits in aid of improvements and equipment for Cherry Class of Chidham Primary School.

Parish Council Roads and Footways Survey

Are you happy with the pavements, verges and lay-bys in the parish?
Help your Parish Council get something done – do the survey! Here’s the form

All residents will have received a survey regarding roads and footways in the parish. Evidence that the community have concerns is essential in our discussions with West Sussex County Council to bid for funding for improvements. You can take your completed form to any of the four locations listed: Post Office, Broad Road, Barley Corn pub, St Wilfred’s Hospice shop and the Village Hall post box. For any further information , request a form if you didn’t receive one or to have it collected please contact Jane Towers  01243 576580